SPACEMATDB - Space Materials DataBase
Satellite images

The following definitions are used for the data quality

Data Quality: Design Data
"A" basis:A value which 99% of the measured values will exceed, associated with a 95% confidence level (single loadpath structures)
"B" basis: A value which 99% of the measured values will exceed, associated with a 95% confidence level (multiple loadpath structures)

Other data
Full laboratory tested according to recognized standards, results agreed and included in standards
e.g. ECSS and NASA standards on outgassing, offgassing, stress corrosion , flammability, galvanic corrosion

The data is fully traceable

Data Quality: Manufacturer's data
Data included in manufacturer's datasheets

Data Quality: Limited Laboratory testing
Side results of material testing according to recognized standards, e.g. Testing for stress corrosion includes determination of mechanical parameters. SCC test are performed on different batches and tested by different (independant) laboratories.

The data is fully traceable

Data Quality: Minimum specification data
The data is the minimum specified according to for example: ASTM, AFNOR, DIN, AA, CDA

Data Quality: Typical Data
Data found in the open literature, no garanty and no statistical significance may be assumed
If no data quality is displayed, typical data shall be assumed